So after getting over my outrage at the article splashed all over the internet regarding the ‘concubining’ man, it led to a few issues that were brought to mind. This man had no problem vomiting this information out while standing trial in court on an unrelated charge. The media had it’s thirst for negative press on black folks quenched, without much effort. And I’m still speechless regarding 6 different women getting pregnant by this man... seemingly around the same time since he said he has 6 babies on the way.
Lawd have mercy!!!! The mind boggles......
‘I Be Concubining’
This fool impregnated six women. That’s six babies who’ll have no residential father and a slothful criminal for a biological father. And taxpayers will support them. Sad, yes, and it happens every day.
Posted by La Shawn @ 6:09 am Filed under: Cultural Decline
My outrageous response is... we need to discuss the ‘3 Strikes Your Neutered’ Law.
That’s right! You’ve heard it here first (although I’ve been saying it egroups for a few years now). Why not? I mean, clearly, we have irresponsible to the point of seemingly mental retardation going on when a woman who has no means nor motivation to care for herself, deciding to be impregnated over and over again, without a care.
The law could go something like this...
-->If a man has the third child he is not supporting and no prospects, means or intentions of being able to, he should be forced to have a vasectomy.
-->If a woman is on public assistance with no history of working or prospects, means or intentions to support herself and children, yet comes up with the third child, the tubes get tied!
I'm certainly not sure if something like this would ever be enforceable, but it’s an idea nonetheless. It has already been tried too.
I think that Mr. Concubine and his 6 heifers should at least be offered the ‘snip-snip’ option.
The Neutered law would unfortunately not stop the outrage of children being murdered and abused after they are here though. I don’t think the problem of ‘affording’ children or having means to care for them was the issue in the following horrendous events.
Nixzmary Brown, seen in class photo provided by family friend and taken when she was in Kindergarten (AP)
But we can at least focus on the particular issue of irresponsibility with no accountability. At least the Neutered Law might be a plan of what should happen to circumvent unfortunate children who happen upon here in torrid circumstances that were clearly foreseen.Many end up tortured and killed or thrown away by their mothers or fathers anyway. Or, end up in a hapless life of foster care or gang life.
Now... I’ve been accused of sounding like that ignorant Bill Bennett with his ‘abort all black babies to reduce crime’ idea. I really don’t see the 3 Strikes You’re Neutered as being the same thing. Bill Bennett labeled ALL black people as potential criminals. That’s just ludicrous! The irresponsible/unaccountable people who would be subjected to this law would have up to 3 children, and their apathy along with no motivation to support themselves and children would have to be proven.
Even I can see how this kind of law can be abused and/or become a tool of racism though. And that is because of the inherent racism in our society. I just don’t see how we’d get around this problem. This could be a reason that I might not vote for such a thing in the end.
It’s a thought though. Right or wrong... we need to discuss these issues. So don’t kill me for thinking.... I’d like to hear more comments and better ideas if you have any!
Finally, maybe a stronger media campaign for birth control will help...
Poster released in the 1970s by the Family Planning Association of Victoria, Australia.
Lawd have mercy!!!! The mind boggles......
‘I Be Concubining’
Posted by La Shawn @ 6:09 am Filed under: Cultural Decline
My outrageous response is... we need to discuss the ‘3 Strikes Your Neutered’ Law.
That’s right! You’ve heard it here first (although I’ve been saying it egroups for a few years now). Why not? I mean, clearly, we have irresponsible to the point of seemingly mental retardation going on when a woman who has no means nor motivation to care for herself, deciding to be impregnated over and over again, without a care.
The law could go something like this...
-->If a man has the third child he is not supporting and no prospects, means or intentions of being able to, he should be forced to have a vasectomy.
-->If a woman is on public assistance with no history of working or prospects, means or intentions to support herself and children, yet comes up with the third child, the tubes get tied!
I'm certainly not sure if something like this would ever be enforceable, but it’s an idea nonetheless. It has already been tried too.
I think that Mr. Concubine and his 6 heifers should at least be offered the ‘snip-snip’ option.
The Neutered law would unfortunately not stop the outrage of children being murdered and abused after they are here though. I don’t think the problem of ‘affording’ children or having means to care for them was the issue in the following horrendous events.
But we can at least focus on the particular issue of irresponsibility with no accountability. At least the Neutered Law might be a plan of what should happen to circumvent unfortunate children who happen upon here in torrid circumstances that were clearly foreseen.Many end up tortured and killed or thrown away by their mothers or fathers anyway. Or, end up in a hapless life of foster care or gang life.
Now... I’ve been accused of sounding like that ignorant Bill Bennett with his ‘abort all black babies to reduce crime’ idea. I really don’t see the 3 Strikes You’re Neutered as being the same thing. Bill Bennett labeled ALL black people as potential criminals. That’s just ludicrous! The irresponsible/unaccountable people who would be subjected to this law would have up to 3 children, and their apathy along with no motivation to support themselves and children would have to be proven.
Even I can see how this kind of law can be abused and/or become a tool of racism though. And that is because of the inherent racism in our society. I just don’t see how we’d get around this problem. This could be a reason that I might not vote for such a thing in the end.
It’s a thought though. Right or wrong... we need to discuss these issues. So don’t kill me for thinking.... I’d like to hear more comments and better ideas if you have any!
Finally, maybe a stronger media campaign for birth control will help...
Poster released in the 1970s by the Family Planning Association of Victoria, Australia.